leapsa neprimita
adica leapsa cu winampul. acum vad ca-i dau o fata mai comerciala, mai clasica blogului. patesc destule stranietati, dar le asimilez ca pe cafeaua aia bauta la o ora tarzie, care-ti induce initial o stare de somnolenta, apoi iti revine-n sange si te tine treaz toata noaptea. astept noaptea aia alba a scriiturii:) till then, sa vedem ce-i cu mine din perspectiva unui colaj de piese din playlist. ideea e: shuffle, no cheating, raspunde la intrebari:) 1.Cum te simti azi? hooverphonic 2 wicky (hmm
asta de aseara
you can hurt me. i can hurt you. o victorie personala ce mi se strecoara pe sub piele sau ceva de genul asta. revansard) 2.Vei ajunge departe in viata? blonde redhead falling man (o da, e piesa mea preferata. trebuie un copy paste complet, sunt o fata care vrea sa cada cu gratie
) Tell me how you seek your man And tell me all your secret spells Tell me how you learn To tell by his voice that he fell I know a ghost will walk through the wall Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall Try to re-imagine me And I'll re-invent myself Still I remember scenes Of when you looked at someone else I know a ghost can walk through the wall Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall If you start doubting me Then I start to doubt myself And never look through me Cause I'll keep close to myself I know a ghost can walk through the wall Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall I am what I am And what I am is who I am I know what I know And all I know is that I fell If only I could walk through the wall Then maybe I would tell you who I was Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall 3.Cum te vad prietenii? bjork & antony dull flame of desire (asta m-a intristat
through the downcast lashes i see the dull flame of desire
) 4.Te vei casatori? nomen est omen earl of essex (o nunta la castel, asadar?) 5.Care e "tematica" prietenului tau cel mai bun? lamb cotton wool